Committed Winegrowers

The Cave de Beblenheim has chosen to engage in a structured CSR approach. CSR, which stands for Corporate Social Responsibility, refers to the consideration of issues related to sustainable development in a company’s activities.

To confirm the seriousness and bring credibility to this initiative, Cave de Beblenheim reached out to Vignerons Engagés.

Vignerons Engagés is the first CSR label in the wine sector, backed by a powerful network of producers, distributors, merchants, and committed partners. In a few figures, Vignerons Engagés represents over 37,000 hectares of vineyards in France, accounting for 5% of the French vineyard area, more than 3,500 certified wine estates, and 5 bottles Vignerons Engagés sold every second worldwide! The strength of the Vignerons Engagés label lies in its specifications, based on the Engagé RSE framework from AFNOR, which is itself based on the international standard for sustainable development, ISO 26000. The Vignerons Engagés framework stands out by its commitment from vine to glass. Cave de Beblenheim has been evaluated and is now certified Vignerons Engagés and Engagé RSE at the confirmed level!

The CSR policy reflects the various commitments made in terms of sustainable development, addressing a number of key issues.

Environmental Aspects

One of the main goals of Cave de Beblenheim is to preserve the environment from vine to glass. This is reflected in the desire to produce grapes and wine in a sustainable manner by managing the resources consumed and the impacts generated.

  • Concerning the vineyard, beyond the environmental control initiated since the early 2000s, the Vignerons Engagés framework has paved the way for broader support for the estates of Cave de Beblenheim. This support is provided, for example, through our certificate for « Conseil stratégique et spécifique à l’utilisation de produits phytopharmaceutiques – indépendance élargie » (agrément n°FR011191-3).

  • For bottling and packaging, we have developed a responsible purchasing approach to ensure the efficiency, quality of products, and optimization of our costs, while taking environmental and social criteria into account in our purchases. Suppliers have been involved in this approach to make it more impactful.

  • For the commercialization side, transportation is a key focus. A charter for responsible transportation has been written, demonstrating our commitment to adopting more eco-friendly transportation practices and encouraging our partners to do the same.

Social Aspects

The goal of Cave de Beblenheim is to ensure the well-being of its employees and cooperative members and to affirm its societal commitment. 25% of employees have received first-aid training, with at least one person trained per department! Because well-being at work also means a good balance between personal and professional life, a Charter has been formalized. To consider the voice of the employees, the first employee survey was carried out. The goal is to gather the feelings and opinions of employees on governance as well as social and environmental issues. In terms of diversity, Cave de Beblenheim is proud to have perfect gender equality among employees, managers, and non-managers. Several operations with societal impact have been carried out, notably with the Ligue contre le Cancer (French Cancer League) and AFM-Téléthon.

Economic and Governance Aspects

The desire to formalize our best practices is reflected in several charters that govern many aspects of our activities (ethical charter, responsible communication and event charter).


“HVE” (High Environmental Value) is a certification which promotes and labels agricultural operations which work actively to protect the environment. HVE Level 3 (achieved by the Cave de Beblenheim for all of its vineyards from 2021 onwards) is based on full adherence to environmental standards, the development of biodiversity on our land, or the presence of infrastructure used to maintain biodiversity (hedges, forest borders, low walls, etc.). The aim is to successfully grow grapes while reducing our impact on the environment.
Logo Cave de Beblenheim
Cave de Beblenheim Cave de Beblenheim Cave de Beblenheim Cave de Beblenheim Cave de Beblenheim Cave de Beblenheim

Cave de Beblenheim

14 Rue de Hoen

68980 Beblenheim

20 09 74 98 3(0) 33+

Monday : 9h-12h/14h-18h
Tuesday : 9h-12h/14h-18h
Wednesday : 9h-12h/14h-18h
Thursday : 9h-12h/14h-18h
Friday : 9h-12h/14h-18h
Saturday : Closed
Sunday : Closed


2B Route du Vin

68980 Beblenheim

13 86 74 98 3(0) 33+

Monday : Closed
Tuesday : Closed
Wednesday : 10h-12h/14h-18h
Thursday : 10h-12h/14h-18h
Friday : 10h-12h/14h-18h
Saturday : 10h-12h/14h-18h
Sunday : Closed

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