Legal Notice
You are currently linked to the official website of the Cave Coopérative Vinicole de Beblenheim. This site exists to make information on its activities freely available to the public, and to permit on-line purchase of the wines produced by the Beblenheim Winery. The use of this site is subject to currently-applicable legislation and to the following conditions of use:
Online since october 2006, CAVE DE BEBLENHEIM.
All rights reserved.
This site is the property of:
14 Rue de Hoen
68980 Beblenheim
France (Alsace)
Tél : 00 33 (0)3 89 47 90 02
Fax : 00 33 (0)3 89 47 86 85
E-mail : moc.miehnelbeb-evac@ofni
N° SIRET : 778 887 208 00016
N° TVA Intracom. : FR21778887208
Société à capital variable : 163 788€ AU 31/12/2018
Déclaration CNIL n° 1191794
Directeur de la publication : M. Philippe WIEDERHIN, Directeur
Responsable de la rédaction : M. Philippe WIEDERHIN, Directeur
CAVE-BEBLENHEIM.COM will not reveal your personal details to third persons. These details are confidential. They will be used only for dealing with your order, and to strengthen or personnalise our communication and our offer, especially to yourself, in particular by means of newsletters to which you may have subscribed. Under the terms of the Informatique et Libertés law of 6 January 1978, you have right of access, rectification and opposition to all personal information concerning you. For any request, contact us: Email: moc.miehnelbeb-evac@ofni
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The sites suggested via links on the Beblenheim Winery site are created by companies or persons over which the Beblenheim Winery has no authority. Consequently, these sites may deposit their own cookies on the computers of persons visiting the Beblenheim Winery site and collecting (or requesting) personal information. The Beblenheim Winery company can in no way be held responsible for the content of these sites, nor for the use made of them by the users.
The Beblenheim Winery can in no way be held responsible for direct or indirect damage, loss or costs incurred by the use of this website, nor for the impossibility for a third person to use it, nor for any malfunction, interruption, virus, or problem with the line or system.
Access to our site gives the user private and non-exclusive right of use. All elements published on this site, including texts, photographs, computer graphics, logos, trademarks, etc., constitute ‘works’ according to the terms of the Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle. Consequently, any representation or reproduction, complete or in part, without the consent of their authors or their beneficiaries, is illicit and will result in legal action.
Contenu de va-et-vient