Green manure : A usual practice in Beblenheim
Green manure is an #ancestral and very #current practice among the cooperators of the Cave de Beblenheim. A green manure can be defined as any #plant grown to increase #soil fertility and not to be harvested.
But why a green manure?
The roots produced by the green manure help to biologically decompact the soil. Their mechanical action affects the #structure of the soil and its #ublishing.
A green manure also allows a natural fertilization of the soil and a better fixation of nitrogen (main #nutrient of the vine).
During their development and especially after burial, green manures naturally stimulate the biological activity of the soil.
In addition, green manures, like all cover crops, act to reduce #runningoff and fight erosion.
#engraisvert #beblenheim #cavedebeblenheim