1952: The Adventure Begins!
In 1952, the creation of a wine cooperative was an adventure. The era of wine cooperatives was in its infancy in Alsace. However, the situation of the winegrowers was at that time such that they welcomed the new idea with fervor, putting all their hopes in working together.
Unity is strength!
Living in a cooperative means actively participating and defending the common work. To have faith in the idea of the cooperative first of all, faith in its members, faith in its leaders, faith in the success but also faith in oneself!
It was on September 20, 1952, a Saturday afternoon that the Société Coopérative Vinicole de Beblenheim et Environs was born.
On Monday September 22, 1952, the sale of the Truschel House took place. The object of the sale, and of course the main point on which all the interest of the new Cooperative Winery was to be fixed, was the property known as “Clos de Hoen” as well as some vineyards. When the sale started, the room and the staircase were full!
In the first row, as the main interested parties, sat the president and the entire board of directors of the newly created cooperative. The cooperative wins the sale! Our wine cooperative was the owner of land, buildings and facilities: the great adventure could begin!